Peter O'Driscoll retirement
We would like to pay tribute to our esteemed member, Peter O’Driscoll, who is sadly retiring from Adjudicating.
Throughout his life in theatre, Peter has injected imagination and flair to all his productions and had the honour of winning the All-Ireland Drama Finals in 1972 in his stunning production ‘Marat-Sade’ (By Peter Weiss) with The Strand Players, Dublin. He has directed throughout Ireland and is a creative and knowledgeable lighting designer.
Peter was head of drama at St Patrick's College of Education in Drumcondra, Dublin, for many years, with a particular interest in developing students’ knowledge and insight into the world of theatre and drama-in-education. An influential presence on the Masters in Theatre Studies programme, Peter encouraged and guided many students to achieve at a very high level.
Peter has considerable experience as a musician; he is a choral conductor and organist and has produced a very wide range of musicals and some operas. He frequently has been musical director for shows. For several years he was an adjudicator with the Association of Irish Musical Societies (AIMS), a privilege which enabled him to see and comment on shows throughout the 32 counties.
Peter is the only surviving founder member of ADL (Amateur Drama League), the precursor to the Drama League of Ireland.
A man with such an enquiring mind will find joy in avenues new. We, his colleagues and friends in the Association of Drama Adjudicators, would like to wish Peter every happiness in his next ventures.